- +62 22 4218739
- +62 22 4218749
- secretariat@qitepinscience.org
Our Efforts on Preventing COVID-19
Our Initiatives
Survey on School Community Readiness on the Implementation of Science Learning in the New Normal
Since the COVID-19 pandemic, many countries have adopted policies or appeals about implementing online learning to prevent the spread of the COVID-19. In Indonesia, in particular, the policy stipulated is Work from Home, where principals, teachers, and other education personnel conduct activities or work from home. After almost three months the Work-from-Home policy is implemented, the government will enact the idea of “New Normal” as a new chapter in addressing the COVID-19 outbreak. To gather information about the implementation of science learning in the New Normal period, SEAQIS will conduct a survey targeting school principals, science teachers, students, and parents from elementary to high school levels in Southeast Asia. The purpose of this survey is to obtain information related to:
- school principals, science teachers, students, and parents’ readiness regarding the implementation of science learning in the new normal; and
- things needed for science teachers to prepare themselves in the implementation of science learning in the New Normal.
Training Modules Development
As a mean to keep polishing the skill and maintain the productivity of the staff during the Work-from-Home period in the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak, SEAQIS decided to improve the quality of their programmes further by developing training modules. The modules are intended to complement SEAQIS programmes, making it easier for the participants (science teachers and education personnel) to grasp the knowledge shared in training and apply them later in their classroom. To facilitate the staff in developing modules, SEAQIS organized a series of online workshops by utilizing an online platform.
The first of the online workshop series was held from 21 to 23 April 2020, named “Online Workshop on Preparation of Training Material Create”. This workshop aimed to discuss and agree on new modules to be developed by SEAQIS, including types of modules, module writers, module structure, module templates, and cover design. From the workshop, SEAQIS decided to develop six types of module; 1) SEAQIS Regular Training Module, 2) Competency Improvement for Elementary School Science Teacher, 3) HOTS Assessment Instrument Development, 4) STEM Integration in 2013 Curriculum, 5) Digital-based Media Utilization, 6) VCT Skillset, 6) Guidelines for Home Learning: A Handbook for Parents.
Continuation of the first online workshop held from 27 to 29 April 2020. In the workshop named “Online Workshop on Training Material Creation”. After presenting each of their syllabus drafts, writers of the module learned about the implementation of APA style reference, agreeing on template and layout of the cover design, and the timeline for modules draft review and layout. It was decided after a month, there will be another workshop intended to review the modules by external experts and practitioners.
The last activity of the series, called “Online Workshop on Training Materials Review” held from 3 to 6 June and 10 and 11 June 2020. To review the modules, SEAQIS invited experts and practitioners with experience in their respective field. In 10 and 11 June 2020, to further develop SEAQIS staff competence in composing modules, SEAQIS invited prominent experts from universities in Indonesia to share their expertise on the development of elementary school level science training modules, biodiversity learning in science education in Southeast Asia, and sustainable development learning in science education in Southeast Asia.
It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using ‘Content here, content here’
Support to Community
As we know that SEAQIS is located inside its host institution campus, Centre for Development and Empowerment of Teacher and Education Personnel (CDETEP) in Science and shares its facilities. CDETEP in Science is equipped with facilities such as hall, laboratories, and dormitory. In collaboration with the local government, the dormitory is provided for doctors and nurses in Bandung to support them in fighting against Covid-19. As we know that the healthcare workers are the front guard during the pandemic period. 88 rooms with 176 beds are prepared for the healthcare workers in this 3-stair dormitory. The accommodation is equipped specifically to cater to the healthcare workers’ needs, as each room will be routinely disinfected. Disinfectant chambers are also available at the entrance and exit door.
Besides, CDETEP in Science is also provided Covid-19 preventive equipment such as masks, hand sanitizer, and also put a poster of applying healthy lifestyle in the public area. The Centre also sprays disinfectant in the neighbourhood area.
Online Staff Capacity Building Activities
Learn more about COVID-19