Part 2
February 2019

By PPRM Team
The 9th SEAQIS Governing Board Meeting
The Governing Board (GB) Meeting is an annual meeting conducted by SEAMEO QITEP in Science to review the previous and future activities for further submission to higher meetings including the Centre Director Meeting, High Official Meeting and SEAMEO Council Conference. The meeting also is aimed at discussing various internal matters to seek their possible solutions or improvement. This year meeting was the 9th meting of the Centre and was successfully convened from 19 to 23 September 2018, at Bintang Bali Resort, Kuta, Bali. Ten out of eleven GB Members and representatives attended the meeting. The GB Member who could not attend the meeting was Dr Lorna Dig Dino, from the Philippines. The meeting was also attended by Mr Prasert Tepanart, the Deputy Director for Administration and Communication of SEAMEO Secretariat (SEAMES). Representatives from several institutions including the Directorate General of Teachers and Education Personnel, Bureau of Planning and International Cooperation of Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia, Centre for Development and Empowerment of Teachers and Education Personnel (CDETEP) in Science, and from the Ministry of Education of Brunei Darussalam, also attended the meeting as the observer.

The STELR-STEM Training for Teachers and Education Personnel of Asia – Pacific Region
SEAMEO QITEP in Science which has duty is to improve the quality of science teachers and education personnel, puts STEM education as its main focus. In doing so, SEAQIS establishes collaboration with relevant institutions, and one of them is the Australian Academy of Science and Engineering (ATSE). Seeing the positives responses and the success of the previous year’s training, SEAQIS continued to retain the scope of the training to be participated by the citizens of SEAMEO Member Countries and also teachers and education personnel from Asia Pacific, by conducting the STELR-STEM Training for Teachers and Education Personnel of Asia – Pacific Region.
The training was conducted from 30 September to 6 October 2018 at Atlantic City Hotel Bandung. Attended by 40 representatives from eight countries, the training was facilitated by Mr Peter Pentland from ATSE, Dr Greg Smith from Charles Darwin University, Dr Connie Cirkony from Deakin University and Dr Simone Bloom from Southern Cross University. The training was officially opened by Secretary General of MoEC, Dr Didik Suherdi through video presentation. The opening ceremony itself was attended by the Director of SEAQIS, Deputy Director for Programme, and Representative of PT Kaltim Nitrate Indonesia.
Introducing STEM Education for STAR Village
SEAMEO QITEP in Science (SEAQIS), which recently focuses its programmes on STEM education, has conducted Training on the Integration of STEM Education on the Implementation of 2013 Curriculum for vocational teachers in Cihideung Ilir, Bogor, Indonesia on 13 October, 27 October, and 03 November 2018. This training was part of a multiyear collaborative programme between six SEAMEO Centres in Indonesia called SEAMEO STAR Village Programme. SEAQIS brought STEM education as the topic of the training for STEM has been widely believed can give significant impact to the development of a country in this 21st century. It is in line with the aim of SEAMEO STAR Village Programme which is to develop sustainable, technopreneurial, ability-rich, and responsible community.
Science Research Seminar by SEAMEO QITEP in Science
SEAMEO QITEP in Science held Science Research Seminar: Enhancing 21st Century Skill Through STEM-Based Science Learning. This event held at Verona Palace Hotel Bandung in 26-28 November 2018. Participants in the seminar are teachers from 30 MGMP of 6 Provinces in Indonesia, which are West java, Special Region of Yogyakarta, East Java, Bali, and West Nusa Tenggara.
The training was conducted from 30 September to 6 October 2018 at Atlantic City Hotel Bandung. Attended by 40 representatives from eight countries, the training was facilitated by Mr Peter Pentland from ATSE, Dr Greg Smith from Charles Darwin University, Dr Connie Cirkony from Deakin University and Dr Simone Bloom from Southern Cross University. The training was officially opened by Secretary General of MoEC, Dr Didik Suherdi through video presentation. The opening ceremony itself was attended by the Director of SEAQIS, Deputy Director for Programme, and Representative of PT Kaltim Nitrate Indonesia.