International Conference on Science Education

International Conference on Science Education is a biennial international conference conducted by SEAQIS. In this conference, participants discuss the main aspects and latest exciting developments in science education.

Furthermore, as a part of this conference, SEAQIS provides travel grants for 30 science teachers from Southeast Asia which eleven of them are nominees of the Ki Hajar Dewantara Award presenting their research results or innovations in science learning processes in the conference.

The purposes of this conference are:

  1. to share good practices in the field of innovative science learning processes;
  2. to motivate teachers’ in conducting researches and innovating ideas in science learning activities; and
  3. to promote international collaboration among teachers, academics, and researchers in science education.


SEAQIS has conducted several seminars as its effort to improve teachers and education personnel in science which also support SEAMEO Priority Area no. 5, revitalizing teacher education.

The seminars are expected to become forums for teachers, educators, and researchers to share their innovation and findings in currents issues in science education such as Inquiry Based Science Education (IBSE), STEM education, and Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS).

A number of experts have shared their knowledge and expertise to thousands of teachers and educational personnel. Some of prominent keynote speakers of the seminars were Dr Margaret Chmiel, the Director of  Curriculum and Communications at Smithsonian Institution; Prof Yoshisuke Kumano, expert from Shizuoka University; and Prof Takehiro Hayashi, expert from Hiroshima University.

As capacity building programme for SEAQIS staff, the academic team of SEAQIS also joined the other conference or seminars conducted by other institution both nationally and internationally. They share their research result regarding SEAQIS programme and academic activity.


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