Introducing STEM Learning for Teachers at SMAN 6 Bogor

SEAMEO QITEP in Science (SEAQIS) as one of the Southeast Asian regional institutions that initiates STEM learning in Indonesia always helps the process of socialization and implementation of STEM learning in Indonesia, one of which is through disseminate the information about STEM for teachers and education personnel. In line with its vision, one of the SEAQIS’ responsibility is to facilitated teachers and educational personnel to fulfill their optimum potential through knowledge sharing and building a professional learning community. On September 12, SEAQIS staff are invited to share their expertise in STEM Education in the workshop on “Mewujudkan Generasi Emas Supersix Berkarakter melalui Pembelajaran Abad 21” initiated by SMAN 6 Bogor. As one of the leading school in Bogor, SMAN 6 Bogor wants to enhance their education quality with new approach in the 21st century learning process, one of them is STEM learning approach.

The workshop was held in Hall of SMAN 6 Bogor and was attended by 58 teachers from their respective school. SEAQIS personnel assigned as facilitators in this workshop was Ms. Adella Anfidina Putri who lead the session and share information related to 21st century learning and STEM characteristic. Not only gave a lecture, SEAQIS’s facilitator also manage to provide hands on activity on Engineering Design Process (EDP). All participants followed the session enthusiastically, especially when the group activities like projects execution, product making, and product testing. The participants also have brief understanding of STEM learning and its differences with other learning. It is hoped that through these activities all members of the SMAN 6 Bogor have a deeper understanding of supporting schools implementing the STEM approach even though they are not natural science or mathematics teachers.

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