12th SEAMEO-University of Tsukuba Symposium: Bridging Borders in Education and AI


The 12th SEAMEO-University of Tsukuba Symposium, a dynamic convergence of educators, researchers, and policymakers, unfolded at the Tokyo Campus of the esteemed University of Tsukuba. Under the theme “Challenges and Ways Forward in the Era of Generative AI with Reflection on 25 Years of 21st Century Education,” this symposium transcended geographical boundaries to address critical issues shaping the future of education. This event was conducted from 27 to 28 February 2024. SEAQIS was represented by Mr Zuhe Safitra, the Deputy Director for Administration, and Mr Reza Setiawan, the Deputy Director for Programme. 

The symposium ingeniously blended face-to-face interactions with virtual participation via the SEAMEO Secretariat YouTube live stream. Educators from Southeast Asia, Japan, and beyond engaged in spirited discussions, leveraging technology to bridge gaps and foster collaboration. Participants delved into the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on education. “How can AI enhance learning outcomes? What ethical considerations arise?” These questions animated the symposium. Additionally, the development of an AI resource repository emerged as a shared goal. Educators sought ways to harness AI’s potential while safeguarding its responsible use. 

As AI permeates classrooms, teacher competencies must evolve. The symposium explored strategies for equipping educators with the skills to navigate this transformative landscape. From data literacy to adaptive pedagogies, the dialogue centred on empowering teachers to thrive alongside AI. Mr Reza Setiawan, representing SEAQIS, took the stage as a speaker. His session, “Adapting the Curriculum to the 21st Century,” resonated with educators seeking innovative approaches. “How can curricula evolve to prepare students for an AI-driven world?” Mr Setiawan’s insights ignited conversations on curriculum design, assessment methods, and student-centred learning. 

The symposium also served as a reflective platform. Over the past quarter-century, educational paradigms have shifted. From chalkboards to smartboards, from textbooks to digital resources, educators have adapted. Now, generative AI beckons—a tool that can personalise learning experiences, automate administrative tasks, and revolutionise education. The symposium’s intellectual wealth will find its home in the Journal of Southeast Asian Education, Issue 2024, Volume 1, slated for release by October 2024. Educators, policymakers, and researchers are invited to contribute their insights, ensuring a robust exchange of ideas. 

In summary, the 12th SEAMEO-University of Tsukuba Symposium transcended borders, fostering a global community committed to shaping education’s future. As AI becomes our ally, educators stand at the forefront, guiding students towards a future where innovation and compassion coexist.  

Writer: Zuhe Safitra
Proofreader: Ayu Intan 

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