What is

South East Asian Climate Change Education Program

SEA CEP is a flagship program of SEAQIS with a focus on studies in the fields of Environmental Education for Sustainable Development (EESD) and Climate Change Education (CCE). This field of study supports many sustainable development goals (SDGs) both directly and indirectly. The field of study that becomes a priority according to current conditions and international agreements is Climate Change. Based on the SEAMES Strategic Plan which accommodates the strategic plans of all centers in ASEAN, the development of the SEA CEP program is currently designed to be implemented in the period 2021 – 2030.

“A fundamental change is needed in the way we think about education’s role in global development, because it has a catalytic impact on the well-being of individuals and the future of our planet… Now, more than ever, education has a responsibility to be in gear with 21st century challenges and aspirations, and foster the right types of values and skills that will lead to sustainable and inclusive growth, and peaceful living together”


Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO




General Objective

The SEAQIS’s Southeast Asia Climate Change Education Programme (SEA-CEP) aims at promoting environmental education for sustainable development (EESD) and climate change education (CCE) focusing on improving the quality of teachers in educating the young generations in the present and future concerning sustainable development and climate change by providing professional development activities.

Specific Objectives

  1. Develop sustainability competencies to build sustainability citizens, including building a sustainable lifestyle
  2. Support the integration of EESD/CCE issues into learning and empowering school/teacher/local communities
  3. Support student/ teacher/ school achievement in EESD/ CCE aspects
  4. Support the conservation of local wisdom/values
  5. Practicing STEM skills and entrepreneurship development
  6. Support increasing the economic value of local resources



  1. Obtaining information regarding the implementation of the SEA CEP as material for the preparation of relevant policies.
  2. Measuring the potential and contribution of reducing GHG emissions of a school (educational institution) to the achievement of emission reduction targets or increasing National GHG absorption.
  3. Increased application of ecocentrism values including sustainable lifestyle which underlies the development of EESD and CCE programs in every school activity so that they can contribute to personal and collective activities both locally and globally.
  4. Increasing activities for empowering school residents and local communities in an effort to develop potential as well as to conserve local wisdom and biodiversity, especially for native species.
  5. Increasing the quality of life and social economy of the community.

"We need to invest now in preparedness to mitigate future protection needs and prevent further climate caused displacement. Waiting for disaster to strike is not an option.”
Filippo Grandi, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees
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