Arfiani Babay, CRA. 2015. Interest and Motivation to Study for Students on The Subjects of Science Through Project Based Learning in class IX D SMPN 4 Sungguminasa Gowa District.

Keywords : Interest and motivation of learning, Project Based Learning.

                 The research is research class action raised the question of how interest and motivation to study for students on the subjects of science through project based learning class IX D at SMPN 4 Sungguminasa Gowa district. The result of this research data collected through: ( 1 ) sheets of observation which is to record the learning process held describing interest and the motivation to study students of the success and weakness the act of given , ( 2 ) data about the outcome of student learning obtained of a test or non a test on when processing or after learning held. If research conducted results show an increase interest and the motivation to study students based on an indicator interest and motivation observed and that this has increased study results to students. From an analysis of lessons preliminary data obtained average score 67,54 students with higher levels ketuntasannya 54,28 % .After be implemented based learning projects ( project based learning the average score students increased to 80,23 with the rate ketuntasan as many as 91,42 % of 35 students. Based on observation data analysis to interest and motivation as well as analysis of the learning outcomes hence can be concluded that project based learning successfully increased interest and motivation learn students in the subject in class IX D SMPN 4 Sungguminasa district Gowa.

1. Introduction

             This adult the development of science and was technology increasingly rapidly and includes various segments of life .Because of that , education which is the main pillar in manifesting human quality are expected to become the spacecraft coaching physically and mentally as well as membelajarkan and training to students who aims at increasing the quality of life , so able to be a role in the development of any motion that multi dimension. Education will be able to do their job if supported by learning good and oriented on improving the quality of the student learning.

                      Natural science that was one of the lesson in schools also as a cantilever studies development knowledge and was technology, should get the attention of all the education particularly teachers which each in its interactions with students. So with learning science students do not only of natural sciences , a substance and energy , but more on guidance mental and moral students like being honest , skilled , and committed. Behind the importance of studies and complex the role of natural science in daily life, is not only a few community members who believe that natural science no more than a unified the science which dull and unpleasant. This attitude trigger the emergence of hell , a quitter , as well as lower interest and eager to study students. Besides negative comments from students to heed science, apparently much teachers who have not been able to learn formulating strategy that supports on improving the spirit and curiosity students.

                  Generally teachers give a lesson still in a conventional manner and seemed monotonous, so the opportunity students to create and independent study very few and teachers likewise inattentive to creating educative interaction of students.This matter causing result of the student learning from year to year shows that.The effort to improve the quality of education has to be done by moving in all the education system country.The first and foremost for enhancing study results and quality education was teachers.

                 To achieve study results needed teachers optimal creative , innovative , and a desire persistent fix learning in class , because only by improving learning can improve learning outcomes students and and improve the quality of education .Teachers should try to analyze kelemahan-kelemahan in any learning , because it is only when know the state learn in class , teachers easily design learning according to motivate and improve creativity student learning.

                 In presenting subjects for students should not be monotonous and exclusive but it must be open so that it can help associated with the experience of being alive colloquial and involving students in investigating the solution of a problem , give opportunity to work out in students autonomous in mengkonstruksi their own knowledge , so that learning that served potentially large to give learning experience being attractive and meaningful for students.

               Based on observations a researcher of in general teachers only teach by uses the talks.This matter cause student learning achievements not showing a significant increase. For it project based learning that prioritising contextual learning and self-reliance learn very relefan to increase interest and motivation of students learning , as well as having the potential of very large to give learning experience more interesting and meaningful for students and can encourage and directing students to be able to apply various / knowledge science discipline in completing a task undertaken , so that as increased interest and motivation of students participate learn improve student learning outcomes.

2. Problems

                   In any learning not a little obstacles found by teachers in the achievements of competence .One of them is the lack of interest and the motivation to study students who of course have an impact on the low the result of learning .Failure student learning is not only a just students , but can also be the is because of because of incompetence teachers motivity so incapable of arousing eager to study students. The problems faced by teachers now is how interest and the motivation to study students on subjects ipa through learning project based learning in class ix d junior high schools 4 sungguminasa district gowa.

3.Settlement Procedure Problem

                  Problems that i play during their teachers may be almost same task with friends other teachers. Where a lack of interest student learning on the subjects of science especially physics.Even subjects this a for students caused by image that lesson ipa especially physics is difficult, therein accumulate various the formula that complex. Image that is embedded in students meyebabkan lack of understanding students to learning that in the end affect adversely on the outcome of learning as described above. To deprive of image that is embedded in students , various ways who writers do one of them is by do innovation in learning whether it is development model , approach or the use of props in learning. One of them the application of Project Based Learning.

                    The reasons for the selection project based learning in learning to solve the problem an increase in interest and the motivation to study students applied thought that the success of located on several factors that is students , teachers , environment , facilities and supporters that are other .Hence , students should be empowered through process that is considered well through Project Based Learning.

                   Based learning project is a model of learning which provide opportunities for teachers to manage learning in the classroom with the project involves work (Thomas, 1999). Through learning project work , creativity and motivation of students will increase (dalam Wena, 2009: 144), made in learning at a particular period (dalam wena 2009: 144).

                  The project is the job fun at once challenge , because in carrying out a project the students need to pour is the present and learning experience that can be support the implementation of the project .With do a project , knowledge students will increase .In addition , creativity students will grow .In carrying out a project students in groups and cooperate with a the group. Thus , social relations and a sense of solidarity with fellow students can trained.

                Learning with the implementation of the project based learning will produce a the result of a project that could be observed directly ( real ) .Students will report his discovery with written , verbally or in some form of another way here in front of the class and study groups. Learning this provides opportunity for students to very creative , in addition , with presented report of the project , can increase of students ability in communications and confident in resolving the project given by teachers.

        Technique project implementation by analyzing important things to used as projects for of learning ongoing.Teachers divide students in learning groups, then convey tools and material they need in resolving projeknya.Tools and this material can be collected through the neighborhood where students learn.They do not need to find tools and material complicated, enough simple and it is important to they are able to of using tools and an ingredient in accordance needs.

               In the process of learning students learn to understand the fundamental concept of the discussion and a literature study based on the directions teachers as understanding the concept of learning based on the project ( project based learning ) , then gregarious do after available with invented the concept of based on the results of and observation .All knowledge students got through his discovery of their projects communicated with the fundamental concept of previously obtained of material that are studied. The application of learning model was very helpful for teachers to mengubungkan the subject matter with a real situation and motivate students to form a connection between knowledge and his application with their lives.Students ability links between knowledge and his application with life can be seen from the studying for learning and after learning of an individual good as well as groups.

             From an analysis of lessons preliminary data obtained average score 67,54 students with higher levels ketuntasannya 54,28 % .After be implemented based learning projects ( project based learning the average score students increased to 80,23 with the rate ketuntasan as many as 91,42 % of 35 students. This increase occurred due to the grasp and comprehend students to the concept learned and improving the quality of learning by the application of learning model based projects ( project based learning ) that is easy to students in following learning well .Besides who not less important in increasing study results students an increase in interest and the motivation to study students itself with continue to reinforsment and rewards to students that could solve their jobs well. Rewards given is not have to expensive .To rewards is usually prepared writer is writing books , polpen , a pencil , or lozenge .It is important to benefit from granting rewardnya , though simple but benefits jumbo .And it had a positive impact to improve the quality of learning. The point how a teacher capable of create the circumstances learning always be missed their students .Not less important to improving the quality of learning , never forget to merefleksi learning by asking students giving an assessment to appearance the teacher in learning held .Then we will always know whether we count teachers who be missed students or not.

4. Conclusions and Recommendations
  1. learning through project based learning may help to student can understand matter and get students to work independently so it been an increase in the result of learning.
  2. learning with project based learning to their students class ix d junior high schools 4 sungguminasa kabupaten gowa can interest and the motivation to study students .This can be seen in improving frequency liveliness to the learning process in accordance with sheets of observation that is carried out during the research phase.
  3. to improve understanding students about which matter is would be taught , should in teaching teachers need to know around the basics of students so teachers can motivate and directing students to do a project independently.
  4. to improve understanding students about which matter is would be taught , should in teaching teachers need to know around the basics of students so teachers can motivate and directing students to do a project independently.
5. Lesson Learned
  1. the application of project based learning have attracted great interest and motivate students in learning, and able to provide facilities for students to understand concepts learned.
  2. the application of project based learning teaches students to independent study with exploiting the environment as a source of learning .Apart from that, with learning model it teaches to their students where do mensketsa to create new things obtained by using material of the neighborhood that the material former no longer to be trash and can damage the environment , but a thing betmanfaat so that we also preserve the environment by using materials former as a source of learning.
  3. granting rewards though simple a present given but advantageous jumbo.


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