In accordance with the MoU that was signed by SEAMEO QITEP in Science (SEAQIS) and Bogor Regency Education Office, cooperation between the two in the form of training was held again in 2020 with the title Digital Technology Application Training in Science Learning for Elementary Teachers in Bogor Regency. This training aimed to introduce several types of digital technology and its uses in science learning in elementary school.
The training was held in two phases. The first phase was conducted on 13th-15th February 2020, and the second phase was held on 17th-19th February 2020. Both phases took place in Rizen Premier Hotel, Bogor Regency.
The training participants were administrators of the Teacher Working Group in each sub-district in Bogor Regency. The number of participants was 550 elementary school teachers who were divided into two phases so that each phase was attended by 225 people. In order for the training to run effectively, the participants of each phase were divided into three classes with 75 people each and accompanied by 2 facilitators from SEAQIS.
Dr Indrawati, Dr Poppy Kamalia Devi, Mr Zuhe Safitra, Mr Heri Setiadi, Mr Dian Purnama and Mr Prima Darmawan were tasked to become facilitators in the first phase, while the second phase was facilitated by Mr Rizwan Darmawan, Mr Lukman Nurhakim, Mr Septian Karyana, Mr Gunawan Muhammad, and Ms Lintang Ratri Prastika. The facilitators were responsible for material deliveries and supervising the participants during the practice of using digital apps.
The training was officially opened by Bogor Regency’s Minister of Education Secretary, Mr Yadi Mulyadi, and followed by the training’s outline presentation. Afterwards, the participants occupied their respective classes and listened to the lectures about Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR). After the lectures, the participants were given the chance to use AR apps (Quiver & Google Expedition), VR apps (Google Expedition & YouTube 360), interactive simulations using Phet, and an online quiz using Kahoot and Google Form.
The participants were really enthusiastic during the training, especially during the use of digital apps. They were inspired to teach their students in a more attractive way using the apps. However, the issue that they still face is bad internet connections in some districts in the Bogor Regency Area.
Overall, the training program went well, and at the end, the participants were informed about SEAQIS’ profile along with the training programs organized by SEAQIS. The training was officially closed by the Bogor Regency’s Head of Teachers and Education Personnel (Kepala Seksi Guru dan Tenaga Kependidikan) and ended by a photo session.