Embracing Educational Insights: SEAQIS Participation at the ASEAN Stakeholder Summit on Generative AI for Education


From 14 to 15 May 2024, Mr Reza Setiawan and Mr Dian Purnama as representatives of SEAQIS participated in the ASEAN Stakeholder Summit on Generative AI for Education at the Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation (APU) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Themed “Unlocking the AI Frontier in ASEAN Education”, the summit involved stakeholders from across the ASEAN regions, encompassing leading educators, policymakers, and technology experts from Southeast Asia. 

The summit itself focused on addressing key challenges and opportunities, enhancing regional collaboration, and setting strategic directions for the integration of generative AI in education by making learning more accessible and personalised. Participants also had the opportunity to share their reports and case studies regarding the implementation and impact of AI in their educational systems. 

Using a design thinking model presented by Gen AI technology, the summit also involved participants in the roundtable group discussions. Each group focused on one of the six themes related to AI and education. The summit promoted the convergence of AI and education to create inclusive and high-quality educational opportunities in the Southeast Asia regions. This aligned well with the commitment of SEAQIS to focus on quality improvement for teachers and education personnel in science.  


Writer: Putu Tatyana P. 

Proofreader: Adhiva Raia & Ayu Intan 

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