Enlivening the Spirit of Education: SEAQIS at Festival Hari Pendidikan Nasional Jawa Barat 2024


In celebration of Indonesian National Education Day 2024, Festival Hari Pendidikan Nasional Jawa Barat 2024 was successfully held from 29 to 31 May at Sasana Budaya Ganesha ITB, Bandung. The event was organised by SEAQIS, along with Education Quality Assurance Centre of West Java Province, West Java Professional Development Centre for Educators, as well as others executive and work units of the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture. The event was the culmination of a series of National Education Day celebrations, with the main objective of increasing collaboration between all education stakeholders and the community in West Java. This aim was emphasised in the opening remarks by the Acting Governor of West Java, represented by Mr Ade Afriadi as the Daily Executive (Plh) Head of the West Java Department of Education.  

The festival was attended by 30,000 visitors who participated in 13 main event components: seminars, workshops, public services, art performances, exhibitions, competitions, and accessible health services, such as blood donations, early health detection, as well as counselling. The exhibition was the highlight of the event, featuring 83 booths, including one by SEAQIS. As one of the crucial stakeholders, SEAQIS contributed by opening a booth and organising the Robotic Workshop on the first day and the Mini STEM Challenge on the second day.  

SEAQIS provided four interactive games with prizes at the booth, attracting 1,230 visitors in three days. Other than that, the Robotic Workshop was held for primary to secondary school teachers in collaboration with Robotika Nusantara, while the Mini STEM Challenge was held for selected secondary school students. The challenge was later announced as winning sixth place in the category “Programme with the Most Visitors”, reaching 134% attendance at the closing ceremony.  

On the last day, during the closing ceremony, the festival was enlivened with song performances from SMK 10 Bandung and Nidji as the guess star. The festival was officially closed by Mr Mohamad Hartono, as Head of the West Java Professional Development Centre for Educators, who expressed hope that the event could be held again next year to strengthen collaboration between all components of education. 


Writer: Novianti 

Proofreader: Priscilia Tsany & Ayu Intan

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