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- secretariat@qitepinscience.org
February 2019

By PPRM Team
Coordination Meeting of Grand Design, Stem Implementation Strategy and Digital District Settlement in West Java Province
Bandung – In the beginning of 2019, SEAMEO QITEP in Science organizes The Coordination Meeting of Grand Design, STEM Implementation Strategy and Digital District Settlement in West Java Province. This Meeting is a follow up event from STEM implementation in 2013 Curriculum programs which conducted in 2018.
Conducted on Thursday, 3 December 2019 at PPPPTK IPA Bandung Hall, the meeting was attended by Director of SEAMEO Secretariat Dr Gatot Hari Priowirjanto, Head of Learning Department, Research and Development Agency, Indonesia Ministry of Education and Culture Dr Suprananto, Head of West Java Provincial Education Office Dr Ir H Ahmad Hadadi, MSi, Director of SEAMEO Center Indonesia, Dr. Irdika Mansur, M.For.Sc, Director of SEAMEO BIOTROP and participants from management of City/District Education Office in West Java, Principals and Teachers in West Java.
As a Key Note Speaker, Present Governor of West Java Province Mr H M Ridwan Kamil, ST, MUD delivered speech about the West Java Provincial program to prepare all over sub-district and village proficient technology and becoming the digital area.
“Using the digital technology, community in the sub-district/village will easier to be entrepreneurs with larger market not only in local area, so they will get bigger profits.“
On that occasion, Mr. Ridwan Kamil also officially opened the Coordination Meeting.

Seminar On Computational Thinking On Science Education
In 29 November 2018, SEAQIS held “Computational Thinking on Science Education”. This seminar attended by 100 teachers from Bandung City, this seminar was aimed to care about the importance of calculating 21st century computational; Having experience in computational fact learning and consultation processes; produce learning lessons that can support teachers to build computational learning in social learning; observing science learning that is integrated with computational demands.
In this seminar the speaker is Mr. Do Cao Nuyen from Vietnam and he’s not only introduce students how to use computer programming languages specifically but we will connect with the basic skills students, namely computational thinking (computational thinking). When the focus is comp utational thinking, technical skills such as coding, activities to create computer programs / applications using certain languages for programming, are secondary. Studying computer programming languages is important, but this knowledge will become obsolete when new programming languages emerge. When we teach computational thinking, our focus is to teach key concepts and introduce and reinforce thought patterns that can be applied in many situations regardless of how technology develops.
SEAQIS - Timor Leste Collaboration In-Country Training on Inquiry Based Science Education
Dili, Timor Leste – SEAMEO QITEP in Science (SEAQIS) collaborated with Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports of Timor Leste organised In-Country Training on Inquiry Based Science Education (IBSE) in Infordepe, Dili, Timor Leste, from 17-20 December 2018. The training was attended by 48 high school teachers representing 12 districts in Timor Leste, consisting of physics, chemistry, biology and geology teachers from each district. For this programme, SEAQIS was represented by Mrs. Indrawati, Mrs. Elly Herliani, Mrs. Tati Setiawati, and Mr. Dian Purnama.
“The purpose of this training is to equip teachers with the essence of science and science education, Science Process Skills, Inquiry-Based Science Education, Science Kits Design, and Development of IBSE Lesson Plan.“
The Director SEAMEO QITEP in Science, Dr. Indrawati, has given the opening remarks followed by Mr Deolindo da Cruz, MPA, President of INFORDEPE given the welcome remarks and officially opened the event.
Based on the participants’ testimonials, the training was considered to be very useful to improve their pedagogy competence and the quality of science learning in the classroom.
Training on Computer Science Education: Integrating Computational Thinking to Science Learning
Bandung – To survive in this global era, people in the region should develop and produce innovation in many aspects especially on computational thinking and skill. Integrating computational thinking to science learning in school is one way to achieve that. Based on that, SEAQIS conducted “Training on Computer Science Education: Integrating Computational Thinking to Science Learning” in 26-30 November 2018 at PPPPTK IPA Bandung.
The training was opened by SEAQIS’s Director Dr Indrawati in Monday, 26 November 2018, followed by 40 teachers from West Java, DKI Jakarta, and Banten region which are selected by SEAQIS. After the opening ceremony, the training was started with hands-on activity using scratch, a program used to create simple animation and simple science activity “how to divide water into three layers”. These activities were guided by Mr Tatsumi Sumi a teacher from Tsukuba University affiliated school in Japan. Another resource person from another country, Mr Do Cao Nguyen was presenting materials about computational thinking and how the advancement of technology can also improve our ways to learn science.